It is really concerning and frustrating when you have recurring drywall cracks. There are a lot of reasons why they appear in your ceiling and walls. Some of the reasons are serious, some are just non-threatening.

It is best to have an idea of what is happening in your building before you cover up your blemished walls or hire a professional drywall repair company.
What Do They Occur?
Drywall cracks are common in both old and new houses. Though they can be a sign of a poor drywall job, they are sometimes a result of settling and natural aging.
Seasonal Drywall Cracks
Whenever seasons change, you will often see cracks. The levels of temperatures and humidity often fluctuate as the season transitions. This could lead to crack appearing like clockwork every year in winter or summer. This is particularly true when it comes to big rooms. However, to combat seasonal changes without cracking, you can simply install expansion control joints.
Temperature Fluctuations
Recurring drywall cracks have a tendency to pester vacation rental properties and summer homes. Being inhabited only occasionally, the drywall falls victim to small contraction and expansion since these properties fluctuate more in humidity and temperature.
The cracks are probably there because of the initial settling of the structure. This is particularly true if your house is new. The materials utilized to frame walls dry out over the first several years. Because of that, it might move a little bit in the process. Minor cracks are likely to appear around doors and windows and around the tension points in this case. Before you do repairs, it is best to provide the framing parts time to finish the drying process. If you don’t, you will probably fall victim to recurring drywall cracks.
Dangerous Cracks
Though a lot of drywall issues have an easy fix, these apparently harmless issues are often a sign of a much bigger problem.
It is an obvious sign of excessive moisture if the drywall around it is damp and spongy or if the cracks have discoloration. You should look for the source of the leak and fix it before repairing the crack. If you don’t, the damage will recur quickly. Replacing and removing the damaged drywall is an easy fix whenever you are able to find the source of the leak. Oftentimes, leaks from roofs and windows are more obvious after storms. On the other hand, plumbing leaks can be acute or slow.
Structural or Foundation Issues
Cracks that are a result of structural or foundation problems are a major issue, aside from being unappealing. In general, these cracks are jagged, big, and numerous. This can mean that the frame or foundation of your building has shifted.
Some of the potential causes of structural and foundation problems include drainage issues, tree roots, soil washout, dry rot, termites, and frost heaving. These problems can cause severe recurring drywall cracks. You should get an inspection from a building inspector to ensure that your drywall damage is not a sign of a much bigger issue.
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